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Marsh Tit

Parus palustris

UK ConservationModerate declineFrown

Distribution Britain 1,133 (-17.1%) Ireland 0
Numbers breeding: Britain 60,000 — Ireland 0
European status: 3,300,000 (2% in Britain and Ireland)
British population trend: declining (-37% CBC){-69%}
How likely are you to record it? 260 squares (5.8%) Ranked 80=

A hundred years ago the Marsh and Willow Tits were not separated as two species so the records of 'black-capped tits' refer to both species combined. They were found throughout England and Wales (save Anglesey) and also through Scotland north to the Spey with most records from the South-east and the Lowlands. Neither has ever been recorded in Ireland. Gradually the two species were unravelled and it was realised that the Marsh Tit bred through most of England except Cumberland and there were few records from Scotland. Indeed the first proof of breeding was not until 1945 and there are now 50-100 pairs breeding in the Borders Region. For the second Breeding Atlas there were some gains in Cumbria, Southern Scotland and West Wales but there were net losses. There has been a net loss in the CBC and the only crumb of comfort is a non-significant increase of 15% in the five-year BBS index (1994-98). Perhaps this species is losing out to the commoner tits?

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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