Britain Needs Nore Holes!
Bird On! News
13th November 1996
National Nest Box Week
14 - 21 February 1997The British Trust for Ornithology has just launched an important and exciting initiative - National Nest Box Week. This will be the week beginning 14 February each year, and will become an annual national event.
Announcing the event, Tony Soper (the naturalist, author and broadcaster) said:
Britain needs more holes for our birds to nest in. Every garden should have a well designed tit nest box to provide a home for their own birds.National Nest Box Week aims to raise public awareness and encourage the use of nest boxes across the country. St. Valentine's Day has been chosen for its public appeal and because it is when birds traditionally pair for the coming year.
The idea was warmly received when previewed at the Bird Fair at Rutland Water, England. Many other wildlife organisations are joining in and using National Nest Box Week to promote the idea of nest boxes which, of course, are used by mammals and insects as well as birds.
The Event in 1997 is concentrating on nest boxes for garden use by birds like tits (with holes) and Robins (with open fronts).
Individuals are invited to register now for a full Information Pack, Nest Box '97, which will be available early in January. It will include information on making, siting and recording nest boxes as well as other related items. Registration costs £2.95 (£4.95 for addresses outside the UK) - please send your name, address and payment to National Nest Box Week, Freepost 1155, Canterbury, Kent CT3 4BR, UK. Cheques (made out to "National Nest Box Week") and Visa/Mastercard are welcome.
Groups associated with Local Nature Reserves, bird watching groups, conservation societies, and others, are invited to write for details about how they can organise their own events during National Nest Box Week.
The British Trust for Ornithology, organiser of the Week, is Britain's foremost ornithological research organisation with over 10,000 members in the UK. Most members participate in some sort of research work themselves - such as breeding bird surveys, bird ringing and nest recording. The founding sponsor is Jacobi Jayne & Company, supplier of the world's most comprehensive range of quality nest boxes, birdfeeders, foods and accessories.
Updates on National Nest Box Week events will be available here on Bird On! - the Internet Wild Bird Pages.