More National Nest Box Week Events
Bird On! News
1st February 1997Bird On! is pleased to report the following additions to the list of events for National Nest Box Week. A comprehensive listing is also available.
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February.
Build a Box and create a Cake - donations needed if you want to keep the box!
Contact 01353 860711.
- CORNWALL, Wacker Woods - park in lay-by at GR SX390552
Sunday 16 February. 1400-1630.
Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Fox Club and Watch (Caradon Branch).
Nest Box Bash in the woods - bring a box if you can to be erected. Free but donations please.
Contact 01579 370433 - Information Packs not available.
- DUMFRIESSHIRE - WWT, Caerlaverock.
Nest box making demonstrations for the week commencing 15 February.
Contact 01247 770200
- DYFED - WWT Llanelli.
Happens all week
Nest box making with a special focus on their House Sparrow study.
Contact 01554 741087
Display all the time but demonstrations at 1200 daily and free Heading North trail will help young visitors understand how birds get ready for nesting.
Contact 01453 890333.
- KENT, Pympes Court Farm Centre, Busbridge Road, TOVIL, Maidstone.
Saturday 15 February 1000-1230.
All sorts of activities for the children including making nest boxes. 50p entrance fee.
Contact 01622 743193 - Information Packs available.
- LANCASHIRE, Piedhorne Valley Rangers at Water Works Road, Newhey, Rochdale.
Junior event on 15 February at 1400, adult and family event 16 February 1000 - 1600.
Box building - not sure whether free.
Contact 01706 881049 - Information Packs Available.
- LANCASHIRE - WWT Martin Mere.
Nest box making demonstrations for the week commencing 15 February.
Contact 01704 895181
- MIDDLESEX, The Stockyard,. Bushy Park, Hampton.
Saturday 15 February 1000 - 1500.
Display about nest boxes, birdwatching and walks - free.
Contact BTO member on 0181 894 4895 - Information Packs available.
- PETERBOROUGH, Environment Centre
From Friday 14th February.
Peterborough City Council and Environment City Trust.
Display of nest boxes and free information packs for first 50 visitors.
- SUSSEX - WWT, Arundel.
Nest box making demonstrations for the week commencing 15 February.
Contact 01903 883355.
- TYNE & WEAR - WWT Washington.
Monday 17 and Thursday 20 February 1100 - 1500.
Parents and children with saws to make boxes for themselves or for the reserve.
Contact 0191 4165454 -- PRE-BOOK PLEASE
- YORKSHIRE, Skelmanthorpe
16 February 1000-1330
BTCV, Free - making nest boxes, bird table and feeders. Information Pack not available.
YOU MUST BOOK - CALL 91484 420751 to reserve your place and receive instructions on where to go.
- WILDFOWL AND WETLANDS TRUST have events all over the place.
Information packs available at least at Slimbridge.
No further charge after normal entrance fee - ranges from £3.00 TO £5.00 full rate for adult.
Centres are open from 0930-1600.