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Format of A Species Description

8th August 2000

The Species Descriptions give the history of every breeding bird in Britain and Ireland over the 20th century, and an idea of what has happened to its populations, its importance in the European context and an assessment of what might happen as we go into the next millenium.

The species sections vary from a line or two for species which breed sporadically - or have held territory but have not, as yet, bred - to several hundred words for species for which we have a lot of information.


Symbols are used to show the status of the species in three official listings and in the author's own assessment:
lionIndicates the status of the species in the Birds of Conservation Concern in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
shamrockIndicates that the species will be on the Irish equivalent of the Birds of Conservation Concern when it is announced early in 2000.
steep declineIndicates high alert status on the BTO alert lists.
moderate declineIndicates moderate alert status on the BTO alert lists.
stableIndicates stable status on the BTO alert lists.
recoveringIndicates recovering status on the BTO alert lists.
frownIndicates the author believes the species will do worse in the 21st century.
blank faceIndicates the author believes the species will do about the same in the 21st century.
smileIndicates the author believes the species will do better in the 21st century.

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