National Nest Box Week
National Nest Box Week is an annual event intended to promote the provision of artificial nest sites for birds and other wildlife. Launched by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) on St. Valentine's Day 1997, it benefits from sponsorship from a number of firms, including Jacobi Jayne & Company. Among supporters setting a fine example are British Sugar plc, who have already erected over 300 nest boxes on their land, and the mobile phone company Cellnet, which is installing boxes on its transmission aerials. NNBW starts on 14th February each year, and details can be obtained from the BTO on 01842-750050. The magazine Nest Box is published each year containing advice on making, buying and siting nest boxes. To receive a copy please write to NNBW, Freepost 1155, Canterbury, Kent, CT3 4LW, UK enclosing a cheque for £1.95 payable to “National Nest Box Week”. If writing from outside the UK please pay the £1.95 by credit card.A Bird On! Definition from the Encyclopaedia of Birdcare
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