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Eider (Common Eider)

Somateria mollissima

UK ConservationIrish ConservationSmile

Distribution Britain 488 (5.7%) Ireland 45 (18.4%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 31,500 Ireland 800
European status: 850,000 (4% in Britain and Ireland =5)
British population trend: increasing at 2.5% p.a.(Atlas text)
How likely are you to record it? 12 squares (0.3%) Ranked 145=

These large coastal breeding ducks increased greatly during the 19th century spreading from the Scottish Islands to parts of the mainland and a foothold in England in the North-east. First breeding in Ireland was in 1912 (Donegal) and they are now round the coasts of the northern quarter of the island, including Sligo. In Scotland virtually all coasts are colonised except the Solway and there are some notable concentrations — like the Sands of Forvie near Aberdeen. On the English west coast the thriving colony at Walney Island is virtually the only breeding site. Gradual spread South expected.

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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