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Turdus pilaris

UK ConservationSmile

Distribution Britain 104 (+205.9%) Ireland 0
Numbers breeding: Britain 2 RBBP Ireland 0
European status: 6,000,000 (0% in Britain and Ireland)
British population trend: just a toehold at the moment
How likely are you to record it? 65 squares (1.4%) Ranked 108 [101=]

This big thrush has steadily increased westwards from its normal range and first bred in Orkney during 1967 (and probably Durham the same year). Small scale Scottish breeding, particularly on Shetland, became regular. Later the birds were found on the mainland south to the South Pennines and 10 or more pairs were detected in each year from 1989 and 1992. First recorded breeding in Kent in 1991 indicated Central European birds might be coming but only two pairs found in 1997. Still on their way?

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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