Jackdaw (Eurasian Jackdaw)
Corvus monedula
Distribution Britain 2,344 (-3.0%) Ireland 944 (-2.1%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 390,000 + Ireland 210,000
European status: 5,300,000 (11% in Britain and Ireland =2)
British population trend: increasing steadily (+117% CBC){+148%}
How likely are you to record it? 2607 squares (58.0%) Ranked 19 [13]
The Jackdaw was a common bird over the whole of Ireland and everywhere in Britain except the North-west of the mainland, the Western Isles (just colonised) and Shetland (no breeding) in 1900. The birds continued to spread and bred on Shetland first in 1943 but it is only sporadic there and there are still very few on Lewis. The numbers have probably increased in Ireland over many years. In North-west Scotland they are still very sparse and there may have been some real losses in this area between the two Breeding Atlases. The CBC index has probably increased three-fold in about 35 years and the five-year (1994-98) BBS index has increased by 13%. Nesting criteria from the NRS are improving too. In areas where pigs are kept out of doors they make a great deal of use of the food fed to the animals. Outlook very good for a crow that most people seem to like!
The following Bird On! picture is available:
Jackdaw (35mm Colour Slide by Roger Tidman) The following Bird On! sketch is available:
Jackdaw From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead