Lapwing (Northern Lapwing)
Vanellus vanellus
Distribution Britain 2,340 (-9.0%) Ireland 491 (-28.8%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 126,300 Ireland 21,500
European status: 1,300,000 (19% in Britain and Ireland = 1=)
British population trend: steep decline halved in 11 years!{-52%}
How likely are you to record it? 1108 squares (24.7%) Ranked 42 [60]
The Lapwing, Peewit or Green Plover is, or has been, a familiar bird of open farmland, marshes and moors throughout Britain and Ireland. During the 19th century the populations declined due to drainage and widespread and organised egg collecting for food. A Lapwing protection bill (1926) was passed and caused a temporary increase but the decline continued. Ireland, especially the south-west, was badly affected, especially by losses in cold winters, like 1962/63. There have also been considerable declines on the Shannon Callows, one of the core areas in Ireland. Recent BTO and RSPB research documented a 47% loss of breeding birds from England and Wales in just 11 years! Wales (down about 73% ) and south-west England (down about 64%) have fared worst but much of the rest of England has lost over half their breeding birds. The stronghold is in the North where two thirds of the remaining birds are breeding and the losses are (only) a bit over 40%. Loss of breeding sites and low productivity are implicated in the rapid decline, due to the intensification of agriculture and particularly the change from spring to autumn sowing. Outlook seems to be fairly grim but should be OK on reserves.
The following Bird On! sketch is available:
Lapwing From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead