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Long-Tailed Tit

Aegithalos caudatus

Stable populationSmile

Distribution Britain 2,106 (-4.0%) Ireland 546 (-24.1%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 210,000 Ireland 40,000
European status: 3,100,000 (8% in Britain and Ireland =4)
British population trend: stable or increasing (+19% CBC){+61%}
How likely are you to record it? 1278 squares (28.5%) Ranked 35 [48=]

Breeding Long-tailed Tits were well distributed across Britain and Ireland 100 years ago wherever there was cover for them to nest in. It is possible that they have expanded a little in northern Scotland and the Inner Hebrides since then and there are sporadic records of breeding on the

Western Isles. There was not much change in Britain between the two Breeding Atlases but there were losses all over Ireland. This tiny species is very vulnerable to cold winter weather — particularly glazed frosts — and the losses generally take just a few years before complete recovery. The CBC shows a peak in 1974 which has recently been passed. Provided the winter weather does not deteriorate Long-tailed Tits should do well.

The following Bird On! picture is available:

Long-tailed Tit (Watercolour by Robert Gillmor)

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Long-Tailed Tit

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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