Redstart (Common Redstart)
Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Distribution Britain 1,327 (-20.1%) Ireland 11 (+22.2%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 90,000 Ireland <5
European status: 2,300,000 (4% in Britain and Ireland =6)
British population trend: good recent recovery (+109% CBC){+30%}
How likely are you to record it? 307 squares (6.8%) Ranked 72
The Redstart numbers breeding in Britain seem to have a history of periodic fluctuations for instance 1891 was a very good year in Scotland but the following year was very bad. There was undoubtedly an overall increase and extension in Northern Scotland at that time but they dwindled in lowland Britain Wales and near counties of England were the stronghold. The birds were absent from the islands (no forests) and have always been rare in Ireland: most are recorded in County Wicklow. There is a continuing withdrawal from lowland England. In some areas (like the Vale of Aylesbury) they used to nest in mixed farmland with old trees in large hedges but the area was deserted about 30 years ago. At this time the species was in severe decline for about 10 years but the recovery, over the next 10 years, seems to have been excellent. Recent population and NRS statistics are good. Fluctuations likely but prospects good.
The following Bird On! picture is available:
Redstart (Watercolour by Robert Gillmor) The following Bird On! sketch is available:
Redstart From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead