Turdus iliacus
Distribution Britain 136 (+22.5%) Ireland 4 (0%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 17 RBBP Ireland 0
European status: 5,700,000 (0% in Britain and Ireland)
British population trend: relatively stable
How likely are you to record it? 11 squares (0.2%) Ranked 148= [101=]
These birds were first recorded breeding in Sutherland in 1925 and sporadically for the next 40 years (and apparently in Kerry in 1951). Fieldwork for the first Breeding Atlas discovered many more and several dozen possible breeding birds were recorded until 1989. However the average has dropped by about half recently even though breeding has been proved in England (particularly Kent). It is possible that this species is being under-recorded. Almost certainly here to stay.
The following Bird On! sketch is available:
Redwing From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead