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Ruddy Duck

Oxyrura jamaicensis

SmileBlank Face

Distribution Britain 292 (144%) Ireland 8 (0%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 570 Ireland 20
European status: 600+ (95% in Britain and Ireland =1)
British population trend: further increase — unfortunately!
How likely are you to record it? 16 squares (0.4%) Ranked 139

This attractive little American stiff-tail duck has, unfortunately, become well established in England after some escaped from Slimbridge in the late 1950s. By 1975 about 50 pairs bred (including Ireland's first — and Scotland in 1979). Breeding totals may now be 1,000 pairs in England and Wales, 50 in Ireland and possibly 100 in Scotland. This is a conservation disaster. Ruddy Ducks have reached the Spanish nesting area of the old-world stiff-tail, the White-headed Duck. Ruddy drakes are dominant so their presence hazards the endemic Old World species and STEPS ARE TO BE TAKEN to eliminate the problem. Hopefully their time will soon be up!

Hughes, B., Underhill, M. & Delany, S. 1998 British Birds: 91, 336-353.
Perry, K.W., Wells, J.H. & Smiddy, P. 1998 Irish Birds: 6, 217-224.

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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