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Savi's Warbler

Locustella luscinioides

UK ConservationFrownFrown

Distribution Britain 27 (+125%) Ireland 2 (0%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 5 RBBP Ireland 0
European status: 180,000 (0% in Britain and Ireland)
British population trend: — about to be lost?

The Savi's Warbler was not realised to be a distinct species until Savi described it in 1824 (in Italy). It was first recorded, breeding in the Cambridgeshire fens in 1840, but within 20 years it was extinct. A singing bird was recorded in 1854 and breeding commenced in Kent in 1960 and Suffolk in 1970. The population may have reached more than 20 pairs with a couple of records of singing males in Ireland. However for the three years 1995 to 1997 the maxima have been 3, 3 and 5. Sadly this species may be on the way out as the Dutch population has been declining too.

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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