Tufted Duck
Aythya fuligula
Distribution Britain 1,484 (15.1%) Ireland 252 (-24.1%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 7,500 Ireland 1,800
European status: 280,000 (3% in Britain and Ireland =7)
British population trend: expanding and increasing (+20% WBS)
How likely are you to record it? 261 squares (5.8%) Ranked 79[93=]
This species colonised Britain and Ireland in the second half of the 19th century much in the last quarter. In fact most of southern and eastern Scotland was occupied over this period and breeding in Ireland was initiated at Lough Neagh. They continued to spread over the last 100 years and there are now many more suitable waters. The spread of the freshwater zebra mussel released into London docks in 1824 may have fuelled the bird's notable increase. It is certainly an important food item. In Ireland they now breed on many suitable waters, mostly above the line from Dundalk to Limerick, but have recently declined on Lough Neagh from 1,000 to 300 breeding pairs. The lack of suitable lakes, at low enough levels, may be responsible for their absence from the south-west peninsula, most of Wales and much of the Highlands. Over 1,000 probably breed in Scotland including about 400 at the remarkable colony on St Serfs Island in Loch Leven. The feral mink infestation is one of the few obvious problems for the future. Both WBS and BBS show gradual, but not significant increases in population. Prospects good for increasing numbers.
The following Bird On! picture is available:
Tufted Duck (35mm Colour Slide by Roger Tidman) The following Bird On! sketch is available:
Tufted Duck From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead